Thursday, January 27, 2011

Language Problems

My roommate, Nina, sometimes asks me for help with her English.  She was texting today, and she asked me if she could say "If you need any help, don't bother asking me."  I explained that she probably should say "If you need any help, just ask."  She does this frequently: say the opposite of what she means, which sometimes makes determining her actual meaning hard. 
I kind of wonder how she functions as her job.  She works at an English newspaper, so how does she get on?  I would be impossibly in trouble if I worked at a non-English newspaper. 
She told me last night she wanted to learn Chinese, which is admirable, but since she's here, I personally think an English class might be a good idea.  It's clear she has the vocab, but she needs to practice speaking, and well, there are classes (or coffee table nights) that cater exactly to that. 

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