Saturday, January 22, 2011


Karen today asked me if I had dyed my hair.  "No..." I said, not sure how to respond.  "It looks really good today."  Oh.  Thank you. 
I get the feeling Karen likes me better than I like her, which makes me feel a little guilty.  She and I exchanged glances when dealing with Preadad, who almost came over to sit at our table. 
Elizabeth and Jenny, I suspect, are heterosexual lifemates, much like Daniel and Kashif or Paul and Jimmy or, I guess, Ruth and I.  (Or once upon a time, Josie and I, or going even farther back, Ash and I.)  Elizabeth has finally caught on to this and jokes about it.  Elizabeth will talk for the both of them and then Jenny will sort of grunt along.
Tamar talked about the surprise party that she went to, and how she got lost and then had to be on the phone with someone for twenty-five minutes trying to direct her to the right place.  And then we had a discussion of circumcision.  And then followed by a discussion of ear piercings.  Tamar had a harder time with the second discussion than the first. 
Jessica was babysitting a little girl named Callie today, and she brought her to lunch.  Mary Jane was all over her, and they chatted about shoes.  Callie was very cute, but like most children, not really interested in taking her daily nap.  Quite frankly, I was a bit jealous, because I really wanted a nap already today, but felt awkward taking one since my roommate was hanging about the room. 
Jessica came over to tell us Ian had gotten tickets to the circus but couldn't go; did anyone want them?  If Ruth was at dinner, I would have been up for going with her, but I didn't feel much like going alone tonight (and really, I have things I am meant to stay in for: essay editing, maybe some draft writing, and possible assorted studying and reading.)  I went out last night when I really wasn't meant to, and drank with Ruth and some of the other girls.  Anyway, Jenny still needs to get out of her party tonight, but she didn't like the circus idea.   

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