One of the things that's always a bit of a problem is volume. Tori and Ashley are particularly loud. (You know things are bad when I think people are loud.) There were a few brief moments where this looked like it was going to be a problem, but it was mostly okay.
I was surprised by Tori and Ashley. Ashley usually does not like being told that she is wrong (she's picked fights with me over very little) but Tori basically schooled her in Islam last night and Ashley didn't react as badly as she usually does. Ashley's in anthropology, and anthropology has a bad reputation for being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., and even though Ashley doesn't go for the racism and homophobia, I have heard her say some pretty misogynistic things on occasion. This time, she said some pretty awful things about Muslims, and I sometimes wonder how it is that we grew up in the same community. We knew a lot of the same people, including a lot of Muslims (we live in an area where there is a high population of "Middle Easteners") and yet Ashley has a totally different (i.e. mostly negative) point of view about them. But Ashley didn't do as she always does (repeat herself until you give up), so maybe that's a sign that she's changing?
I talked mostly to Michael, Lisa's boyfriend. He's a really nice guy, but I always feel like he's hitting on me.
This brings up one of the many problems I have. Apparently, I am too nice to guys. Josie says that I make people feel way too good about themselves and Dan has commented before that I am easy to talk to. Josie believes that a lot of guys think that I'm interested in them because of the way I behave around them. There are a lot of guys I'm interested in, but never, it seems, the ones who are interested in me.
The other problem is that I'm not sure how to strike a middle ground between being nice and being nasty. I know how to tell someone off (some of my readers have seen me do it), but I (apparently) don't know how to be normal around people, not overly nice and not mean.
So, with Michael things are always a little weird, because well, Lisa's right there. And I'm honestly not interested in him, and not just because of Lisa. I met Michael before Lisa did, and I decided against him. And I really don't want to make Lisa unhappy. She's been very nice to me over our seven years of friendship, and it feels silly to throw that away, especially over a boy.
Later, we walked over to a store to do a little shopping. While walking there, some one was playing "Boom Boom Pow" and I danced in the parking lot to it. (You can all blame Gary for getting me into that song. Boy is a much better dancer than he looks.)
We went to look through cards, which is something that is super foreign to me these days. In my family, we're not allowed to buy cards, because my Mom makes them. So I haven't been in a card rack in almost a decade. I mostly made terrible suggestions to Ashley, like saying she should get a Grandfather-themed Father's Day card for her Dad.

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