Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Walking Regime

Went out for a walk.  Now that I'm back home, I have a very different walking thing going on.  At school, it's a suburban environment, so I walk on sidewalks and on relatively flat land.  Here, it's the nowhere, so I walk through woods and up and down hills.
This is probably better for me, excercise wise, just because I'm more likely to get my heart beating and to sweat a little.  I actually hate sweating, because I feel like if you run into a cute guy, it's the first thing that's going to turn him off about you.  (Though in my case, my personality would probably do that anyway.) 
I was out on a particular trail that I haven't walked since December.  Last time I was on this trail, I was with my Dad, Uncle and second cousin.  It was totally different with them. 
Also, I'm annoyed by people and their dogs.  I realize that people love their animals very much.  That doesn't make it okay to let your dog wander around without a leash.  It's hurtful to the environment, especially if it goes off the trail.  So don't do it.  Respect the woods.  Be a scout and leave it better than when you came to it. 
While out, I came up with an idea for a present for Mom.  It's something for the business she runs.  I'm going to have to come up with a clever name for it, but I think she'll like it, since she complained about not having one last year. 

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