Friday, May 28, 2010

Law and Order: Lansing

I realized last night that I probably watch and read way too many crime procedurals and mysteries when I started imagining what it would be like if some of my friends and myself were in one.
Paul and I would be partners, natch.  Paul would be the logical one, solving crimes like Holmes himself.  I'd be all intuition and channel Mulder.  Juicebox would be like Munch, the cool customer.  (Actually, imagining Juicebox as Munch is really funny, since he's nothing like Munch except in the calm presence way.  But I feel like everyone would want to watch a show where one of the characters is called Juicebox.)  And then I could totally see Nate and Josh as partners a la Ryan and Esposito.  (Ryan is cute and silly like Nate, Esposito is more serious but still gets into trouble like Josh.)  Da-DUM! 
Oh yeah, I've been watching too many mysteries lately.  Though, I mean, really, is this any stranger than imagining some of my friends as old people?  And, at least I didn't imagine anyone as David Caruso from CSI: Miami.  (Jeff?  Totally.)      

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