Friday, November 26, 2010

Satellite Telephone

Found a delightful zine called Satellite Telephone.  I wish I could look at the actual zine, but maybe I will have to pay the seven dollars to get one.  They also said on their website that they take trades in zines.  I do have some of those lying about, so maybe I will send one of those in to them?  I've actually never heard of people trading zines, though I guess that it is the literary nerd equivalent of baseball card trading.  Like, here, I want your awesome collection of stories and poems and art for this one I have here.   
I'm considering submitting here, for obvious reasons. 


  1. Eliza, you have lost me. What is a ,"zine," ?


  2. A zine is short for magazine. Basically, it's a homemade, non-commerical publication. They're usually copied off and have limited print runs, and feature poems, stories, essays, art and other things. They were really popular in the early ninties, and they've sort of fallen out of popularity since then, but I still enjoy reading one here and there.
