Thursday, February 3, 2011

Book Porn

Alexander gave me this huge book catelog today.  As I leafed through it, I realized how many of the books being advertised were things I would read.  Then it occurred to me: this catalog is like porn to me.  (Or, at the very least, a Victoria's Secret magazine.) 
I spent about a hour today making a big list of books I'd like to read. 


  1. Hi Eliza. That's an interesting definition.

    I wouldn't use it to describe that because it would mean anything you you had a deep fascination for or addictive attachment to, which could mean GOOD things, is ,"porn."

    I need to think about this.

  2. My sense is that when people say something like that, they're just saying that it makes them happy. I think it's just meant to be funny.
