Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another Doctor Who Saturday

I admit it...once again I have forgone posting about my actual life and watched Doctor Who instead.  Enjoy this little cute thing I found of Matt Smith and what appears to be a very silly message.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the first of the new series using the BBC i player facility.It is great. Typical Dr Who story. Dr Who will go on forever!!!!!!

    Sorry about my rant over teaching.

    The terma syou use for your education system like graduate scholl, college etc confuse us over here sometimes. We use those terms in slightly different ways. I gather you are completing a batchelors honours degree and are thinking of doing post graduate study or a masters to enable you to become a university lecturer. Have I got it right now?

    By the way, I have taught all age groups over 33 years. Teaching techniques are applicable across the board. I have done some in service training for teachers and I still used similar techniques to those I used in the classroom.You just adapt them to the ability and needs of the group.

    I hope you fulfil your dreams. Keep at it Eliza. From reading your blog I can tell you are a great person and would make a great teacher.

    All the best,
