Last night, I was sitting in the lounge watching tv when Ruth came in. She was drunk, and giggly, because her drunk is always giggly. And she had a problem.
A few weeks back, she had gone out with a guy over dinner. And then the next week, drinks. And then the next week, drinks again. I told her this was all a bad idea, because he was paying for things, and that meant there were certain expectations.
Ruth was totally thick when I said that, and I tried to explain to her that going out with a guy multiple times, like this, implied they were dating. Ruth and Jenny decided this was ridiculous, that's not how it works. Lavvy, thankfully, sided with me, saying that this guy (Ruth won't even give me a name because she's paranoid I'll track him down, which is so strange, because I honestly didn't even think that until Ruth made the suggestion) probably does think they're dating, and that's the important bit.
I told Ruth she needed to have a face-to-face meeting, gently tell him she's seeing someone else and that she would like to be friends and drinking buddies. Ruth never likes this idea. She doesn't want to meet face-to-face, she'd rather send an email. (This always causes me to wonder what is wrong with her; who the hell sends emails like that in this day and age? What is this, 1997?) Then I suggested that she just not-subtly mention her boyfriend, as a way of indicating his importance to her to this guy friend. No, she just gives another exasperated sigh.
So last night, after getting drunk together, this guy tried to kiss Ruth.
"I told you so," I said, as I sat there. Ruth apparently told him, in her flummoxed state, that she had a wife, which she explained to me and made no sense. It might have been the drunken state.
Ruth went into a bit of a rant about boys and how stupid they are and how they always manage to find her. She told me about this guy named Ben, who is coming to visit soon.
"I'm going to make Ben and this other guy meet, because then they'll see their stupid behavior within each other and then themselves and then they won't chase after me."
I disagree. I suspect that these guys are not going to get that they are both being ridiculous, and instead, they will just see that the other one likes Ruth and it'll turn competitive.
(As a side note, what do you readers think about this?)
She told me some stories about when her Dad had cancer and she was crying and Ben kissed her, even though he had a girlfriend.
"Wait," I said. "I though crying was a turnoff for guys."
"Really?" said Ruth. "I've found it's a great way to get guys. It probably makes them feel all needed and protective."
Oh great. It's not enough for a guy to like me, I have to make him feel like he's being a man and protecting me.
We giggled for a while, talking about other things like our work, and she complained to me about this essay she's writing and we were relatively merry. Then one of the spazzier women came in wanting to watch a tv documentary about 2012. (I'm so not even kidding.) We let her, even though she apologized twenty times and tried to get us to stay. I explained to her that we were fine and were leaving anyway.
I wish Ruth would have listened to me and nipped this thing in the bud. Something tells me there's going to be a lot more drama on the way, even if she does avoid this guy as she's decided to.
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