Reading this post today about how Syria has recently gotten itself onto the Humans Rights Council. While I agree that Syria isn't a good candidate for Humans Rights, considering they recently arrested a bunch of kids, all under the age of seventeen, for criticizing the government through street art, I don't think we as Americans should pretend we are better. The government and the military violate laws and rights all the time. (The war on terror has a bunch of examples were the U.S. violates the rights of its own citizens as well as combantants and civilians, digging a legal black hole around their recent designation of "citizen combantant.")
The problem isn't even really one or several or even most countries. It's the state as an institution. States are always going to be interested in maintaining power; they'll do it at anyone's expense, and they're not above breaking their own laws to make it happen. If anything, having states policing themselves is stupid, because inevitably they'll avert their eyes to other council member's violations, especially if money or other deals can be made.
Yep!! I agree Eliza. Every nation commits crimes and atrocities. Just look at the UK!!!!!!!!!!