Monday, November 8, 2010


One of my ex-roommates pointed me to this first great video of Conan scrubbing up his desk for his new late night gig.  I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm disappointed to see him not take his shirt off.  (The little bit we can see through the dark t-shirt is pretty intriguing.)  This is just meant to be funny, but I think it's like that moment where Conan is playing guitar over his friends playing Guitar Hero; hilarious but also very attractive. 

I started watching Conan back in middle school, back when they would play him in the evenings before the previous night's Daily Show.  I loved him and spent a lot of time thinking he would make a great boyfriend just because he'd be random and strange all the time, but in an endearing way, not in the creepy or embarrassing way that sometimes happens.
So, yeah, I'm excited for Conan to be bringing sexy back, even if I don't really have a tv right now. 

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