Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dean's Mom's Younger Self

At work today I was reading when I had an idea for a poem, and then off I was, writing one instead of working on what I was meant to be doing.  This is becoming rather typical of me. 
It was mostly a work of nostalgia.  During the Superbowl a few days ago, I was thinking about when Dean and I went to a party together for it (this was back before I was a regular attendee at things at Casa Paul).  We had to walk on this giant sheet of ice to get there.  I remember slipping and sliding.  "Here Dear," Dean said, and he let me take his arm.  Dean says dear to me a lot, and it's one of those little things I like about him.  We had only recently become friends, but it was one of those friendships that immediately took off and it was like we knew each other. 
As we walked, I realized how much he sounded like another old friend, and it was strange, realizing that I was gravitating to the same types of people over and over again. 
And then I thought about when we were sitting in the cafeteria, talking about Doctor Who, when Dean turned suddenly and said "You look exactly like my Mom did when you were her age."  We were sitting with a bunch of other friends then, and Matt was all "Way to be creepy."  We decided as a group that Dean's current Mom had gone back in time to get her younger self, bring her younger self back to the present to watch Dean.  And, obviously, I was Dean's Mom's Younger Self. 
And then I thought about a dance I went to with that group of friends, and how much great music they played, especially techno.
So, basically, I was working off of nostalgia.  And not doing my real work. 

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