As I was in the subway, I put on my MP3 player. The first song to come on? "Mercy Me" by Alkaline Trio. Just before I had left, I had a conversation about punk rock and I mentioned that I loved this particular band. Funny how life happens that way.
When I got home, I was all alone, so I played music loudly and enjoyed myself. I was reading some blogs online when one mentioned about a recent National Suit Up Day to celebrate How I Met Your Mother. I don't really watch that show, but Dan does, so I texted him.
"Are you wearing a suit?" I asked. I imagined him in one. Cut rightly, it would flatter him. The actually suit would have to be form fitted, and the pants would have to be the right length (covering the ankles and slightly covering the shoes), but he would look good and adult and mature.
"I don't own a suit," he texted back. Way to blow that fantasy.
I was a little surprised this was the answer, since Dan drinks gin and has elitist views about art. But I can't really think of a reason he would need a suit either. He's also an awkward science boy; he needs clothes he can use to trample around in the mud and whatnot.
Dan texted me back. "Do you know who does have a suit?"
I thought maybe he'd mention his roommate, who also has no particular reason to have a suit. "James Bond" I texted back.
"Glenn Beck," he answered. I actually had a hard time remembering what Beck wears. Usually I'm too busy being annoyed at him.
I decided not to text Dan further, just because he is anti-text message.
Inga came home, and we chatted about our days. Inga's an actress, so she told me all about how annoying her opera teacher is and how annoying this other actress in her class is.
Jackie, one of the other roommates, came in, and we chatted about boys. Jackie's boyfriend is thirty years old, which is way older than her and which I think is kind of creepy, though I don't think it's my place to tell her what to do.
Inga and I had dinner together. (Jackie's been sick recently and hasn't wanted food lately, though she had a little later than us.) We had a nice conversation about siblings.
I like my roommates a lot, but everyone goes to bed so early. Around 10:30 or 11, which is ungodly early, really. I am use to going to bed, at the earliest, midnight. And when I'm having sleeping problems (which haven't affected me much in the last week) I'm lucky if I make it to bed before 3 in the morning. One of my former roommates, Sam, had the same problem as me, and I can't imagine her living with these girls.
Since I don't have to be up as early as them, I've been staying up later. I go to another part of the building and work on other things, mostly catching up on email. I sat in one of the lounges as this girl watched Law and Order: LA. It's by far the most boring of the franchise, and this comes from someone who watched all of Conviction.
I went back to the room to go to bed, and I don't think I made too much noise. And then I crashed.
Camilla gets up around 6 or 7 to exercise, which is fine but she exercises less than a half foot from my bed. The first time I noticed it, my voice caught a little. I didn't quite gasp.
I had breakfast that morning with Jackie. I don't think we talked much, but we were both tired. I stole a box of Cheerio's and a bagel out of the caf.
The girls all left before I did for school. My schedule looks like it's going to be later in the day than most of them. After they left, I did all my usual stuff to get ready: brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, putting on my perfume, etc.
I worked on some things online as I waited for it to get closer to when I needed to leave. I wrote some notes to friends.
I noticed that Justin was online, so I chatted with him. Justin is about to turn 25, and he mentioned that some of his Chinese friends want to take him to a strip club. I still think this is a great idea, one that Justin should totally go for, but I don't think this is going to happen. I suggested that he get a couple of other friends together for this little outing, like Nick, Dan and Daniel. There were few things I could think of that would be as funny as those four trying not to be awkward in a strip club. They're awkward around girls dressed normally; I can't imagine them around the scantily clad kind. Justin had to get going to class, and I was leaving soon myself, so I let him go.
I finally got my stuff together, and caught the subway. Sort of. I went into the car, and waited and waited. Finally, three fire fighters came by on the platform, wheeling one of those cart things. I had enough time to think "Er..." before someone came over the intercom and said that a customer was sick and that they would be starting off soon.
And eventually we did get going, though they changed where we would be stopping. This didn't affect my traveling, but it did affect a lot of other people's, who got off.
When I got to work, Alex wasn't in, so I got started on a project that Alexander had for me. He wanted me to do some research and familiarize myself with some stuff on ecofeminism. I don't really know much about ecofeminism, so I got started on the project, reading the materials he gave me.
I guess for the time being this is what my schedule is going to be, which is weirdly normal. I don't know if I can handle having a set schedule and being normal and all that. I'm use to having nothing set in stone and getting frustrated. What am I going to do when I don't have to be frustrated all the time?
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