Because I think I may be getting sick, I've been taking preventative measures, one of which includes trying to get some extra sleep. (I love sleeping, so of all the preventative measures, this is the one I find easiest to work on.)
But when Jennifer called me this morning, I felt bad. I thought that maybe I had set my alarm when I actually saw she was calling me. And then I felt bad because I suspect my grogginess on the phone sounds more like irritability to the other person. It's not, it's that my brain isn't totally up yet and that sometimes my eyes aren't even open.
Jennifer wants to come by tonight to hang out. I'm actually excited to see her, since it's been a while. She mentioned she wants to give me a hug, which later I realized might be a bad idea if I'm sick.
So I've been trying hard to feel better, if only so she doesn't have a cold in three days.
Is it flu Eliza? Lots of hot drinks. It'll pass.Paracetamol might help.