The first part of work was okay. It wasn't until I realized that some files had disappeared off my computer that I got upset.
I had spent hours working on them earlier this week, and they are just gone. How exactly I'm not sure, but basically, this bad computer has a reputation for "eating" files. (Alex's words, not mine.) Sometimes I have the forethought to send the files to myself via email so I at least have those, but I didn't do that.
So I had to start all over.
I was hoping I was going to get the work done before the end of the day so I could present them to Alexander, but that didn't happen. Even though my second pass was faster (I could still remember some of the choices I made, though I had to look up other information), I didn't get it all done. Also, I forgotten that Alexander leaves early on Thursdays for an art class. (I am always curious about this art class he's taking, since he strikes me as artistic, but the kind that wouldn't need a class.)
The good news is that I left early from work today, even though, like most Thursdays I work, I was the last one there. The bad news was that I didn't have the work on Alexander's desk.
He had also asked me to do a task yesterday and I said I would, but with everything else that's been slammed on me, I didn't get to it. I told him I would try to get it done Tuesday. It was sort of an awkward, awful moment.
I didn't tell anyone about the eating files thing because I'm a little embarrassed about it.
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