Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Your Pants Must Be Lonely"

Every once and a while, something happens and I think "Oh, well, isn't that advantageous." Tonight, my friend Paul pants-called me.
Paul and I go way back. We met when I was in kindergarten and he was in preschool. We didn't actually hit it off right away, but he's one of my oldest friends. He's really smart and fun to be around, and I'm glad that our little sisters and moms are close too.
Tonight, while texting my friend Mitch and working on a paper on Native American women, I got a random call. I recognized the area code, indicating it was someone from home. It became clear after the third "hello?" and the shuffling sounds that I had been called by either someone's pants or purse.
I kept listening and trying to figure out who it was. It seemed like it was a male voice and that there were women nearby. Anthony? I thought. Kevin? Both of them had my numbers. I hadn't spoken to Anthony since the Honors College ball and Kevin and I saw each other last night, when we watched the game together.
Finally, I heard "Your phone accidentally called Eliza!" and I knew. It was Nikki.
Nikki is Paul's little sister and one of my sister's friends. Unsurprisingly, my sister and her have been friends for ages. Nikki is over our house fairly frequently, sleeping over and watching movies and baking cookies and generally making trouble.
"Your pants must be lonely if they're calling me," I said. I don't know if I've ever made a sex joke to him, as I only recently got comfortable making them in quick succession and in front of men.
Paul laughed and apologized, and we asked how the other one was and whatnot. He and his sister went back home for the weekend, so they were in route to come back to school.
It's so weird, because I was thinking of asking Paul if he wanted to go see this band that's coming in a few weeks. It's a little pop-y of a band for him, but he's the kind that likes the occasional adventure. Plus, last summer, his Mom emailed me and begged me to hang out with him. I was surprised by the email since I didn't know that his Mom even had my email, and because Paul's always been well-adjusted (or at least as adjusted as anyone can be as a teenager) and because he's usually very upbeat. Unfortunately, Juicebox's birthday is the same night, and he's planning on having a dinner, so I can't go. I guess I could find another excuse to hang with Paul, but music is usually a good bet.
His Mom complains to me that he never hangs out with anyone except for the kids here at college who he knew in high school. Don't get me wrong, Paul's totally got friends, but he hasn't made any new ones. That's totally different from me, who purposely avoided most of the kids from high school (save maybe four of them) and made a ton of new friends. In fact, making new friends is one of my favorite things about college. When you meet someone and realize that they'd make a great friend, I always am excited for our future relationship.

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